Renzulli Gifted and Talented Academy Student Elected to 2025 CT Kids Governor Cabinet
via Hartford Public Schools | December 3, 2024
"Congratulations to Renzulli Gifted and Talented Academy 5th grade student, Khloe Wilcox on her appointment to the cabinet of the new CT Kid Governor. The CT Kid Governor program helps 5th grade students learn about the three branches of state government, the role of the governor, why elections are important, the history of voting in the United States and Connecticut, leadership and civic participation.
"I think Kid Governor is great because it gives kids a chance to express themselves. It can give them experience to become future leaders. It can also prepare them to vote," states Khloe, "Doing the program made me feel like I'm good enough to talk to people, and I can make change in Connecticut, or the entire country for the better."
Khloe's teacher, Alexander Lewson reflects, "I am so proud of Khloe and her classmates for their hard work in the Kid Governor program! Khloe and her classmates learned how to research and use their voices to advocate for change about issues they cared about."
Khloe's platform was dedicated to healthy eating."
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2 months ago